Купить книгу “100 Scratch Lessons” (на английском)
There is a common perception of Scratch as a “childish” programming language. Indeed, by design, it was intended for children. However, a deeper analysis of its capabilities leads to the conclusion that Scratch is the perfect language for learning the basics of programming not only for children but also for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of creating video games and animated films. The material in this book is arranged so that students gradually become familiar with the basic concepts of programming, moving from simple programs to creating increasingly complex ones. The book concludes with the creation of complex games that use all the knowledge and skills acquired while working with the book. This book is intended for teachers, parents and high school students who are seriously interested in programming.
339 стр. (на английском) + ссылки на все исходные файлы уроков.
Формат – PDF. Цена: $9.99
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